Download KYBully - Pet Store eCommerce HTML Bootstrap Theme v1.0 |
KYBully PetStore HTML Template
KYBully PetStore HTML template is a responsive HTML template designed for online pet store. It has 7 pages and 6 color variations.
- Bulit with Bootstrap 3.2
- LESS files included
- PHP files included
- Well documented
- Well commented and clean code
- 7 Pages & 6 color variations
- Responsive Design
- Touch enabled sliders
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Hover Dropdown by Cameron Spear
- Bootstrap Slider by Stefan Petre
- Jquery Easing by George McGinley Smith
- Owl Carousel by OwlFonk
- WOW by Matthieu Aussaguel
- Animate.css by Daniel Eden
- Yamm 3 by geedmo
- echo by toddmotto
- Selectpicker by Silvio Moreto
- Elegant Themes Fonts by Nick Roach
- Flatui-Controls by Sergey Shmidt